Jul 8, 2024

Business Sustainability Software for Vehicle Management

Business sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are related. They belong together, yet are they not the same.

Johanna Kloot

Founder GreenKPI

We’re living in an environmental age where a sustainable vehicle management system is required for the reduction of resource use and associated emissions. As an aspect of brand trust, this is more important to clients and customers than ever before. Combined with tightening regulations, profit margins and competitive markets, it makes sense to look at aspects of business sustainability with high impact.

Often, one of the first areas many businesses choose to focus on is sustainable vehicle management. With increasing costs of fuel, vehicle maintenance, insurance, and rising concerns about pollution and the harmful environmental impact vehicles have on the environment, this is logical place to start.

While vehicles are an unavoidable part of many businesses, there are a variety of ways to reduce the environmental impact and costs.

What is a sustainable vehicle management system?

If you’re trying to initiate a sustainable fleet management system, you’re looking at reducing the environmental impact of your fleet of vehicles by looking at cleaner fuels, cleaner cars that are more efficient to run, and smarter driving and fleet management.

Basically, you want your vehicles and drivers to work smarter, have less impact on the environment, and save money. There are a lot of different factors that you need to consider when you start looking at vehicle management systems, including efficiency and sustainability software.

How can sustainability software help you achieve sustainable and efficient vehicle management?

There are a variety of different areas that sustainability software can help you improve the way you manage your business’s fleet of vehicles. Many of them aren’t even going to require much of an investment. It’s surprising how easy many sustainability incentives can be implemented and managed once you have identified them.

Identifying the areas you need to improve is the first step. That’s where sustainability software that is focused on practical guidance is such a valuable tool for businesses and organisations. Sustainability software will help your business or organisation identify the areas it needs to improve on and even identify areas that you are doing well.

Sometimes, with minor adjustments, you’ll be able to make significant changes to the sustainability of your fleet of vehicles and the way your drivers operate.

Some of the critical areas that sustainability software can help with vehicle management are:

  • Simple weekly checks of tire pressures when the rubber is still cold.

  • GPS tracking of driver routes and delivery times to help avoid additional driving or lengthy delays in high-traffic areas

  • Logging maintenance and preventative maintenance that makes cars more efficient and prevents expensive breakdowns

  • Control effective tyre management of your fleet of vehicles that leads to more efficient use of your tyres and save you money on fuel

Digital record-keeping instead of paperless options to save time and errors and allow you to control your fleet operations effectively.

Sustainability software for vehicles

Being able to save time and money while also making your company more environmentally friendly and sustainable are great reasons to take another look at the way you manage your vehicles. By having your vehicle management systems incorporated in your sustainability software, with actionable guidance, measurement and sustainability reporting at your fingertips, you are on your way to reducing costs and building sales through brand trust.

GreenKPI provides a simple and systematic approach to business sustainability.

Act, Measure, Report, Repeat.

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Business sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are related. They belong together, yet are they not the same.

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Business sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are related. They belong together, yet are they not the same.

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Business sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are related. They belong together, yet are they not the same.

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