energy efficiency
energy efficiency
energy efficiency

Jul 8, 2024

Energy Efficiency Ideas to Improve Business Sustainability

Business sustainabiity improvements often begin with energy efficiency gains. Savings as high as 50% are possible with operatonal changes.

Johanna Kloot

Founder GreenKPI

Expectations for Business Sustainability with Energy Efficiency

Wondering how to save energy in your workspace? Becoming energy-efficient is easy once you know what to look for.

Why is energy efficiency important? Energy efficiency in the workplace is great for your business financially. Did you know it will also help make your business more sustainable? Wondering how to save energy in your workspace? Becoming an energy-efficient business is easier than you think! Follow a few of these energy efficiency ideas for your business to see how easy it is.

Becoming Energy-Efficient: Business Ideas and Tips\

Tip 1: Measure What’s Using the Most Energy

There are a range of effective applications and measuring devices on the market. Consider investing in one to find out which areas of your business are using the most energy. Knowing where you need to make the changes can help you become an energy-efficient business sooner!

Tip 2: Reduce Screen Brightness T

Reduce every screen or monitor in your organization to a brightness of 70%. This not only reduces the energy needed to power monitors in your workspace but works to reduce strain on your employees’ eyes. Energy efficiency for business saves money, the planet, and improves your employees’ well-being!

Tip 3: Revise Your End of Day Check-List

Becoming an energy-efficient business takes more than a few one-off changes. The most effective ways to reduce your energy consumption come from regular actions. By adding them to your end of day checklist, it ensures they will be carried out by your team.

This could include turning off monitors at the socket, or turning off all air conditioners before you leave. Having these on a checklist can ensure your energy efficiency initiatives are being realized.

Tip 4: Talk to Your Team

This is our favorite one, as it brings about some of the best ideas. Staff are generally who will be implementing most of the energy-saving ideas.

Providing a suggestions box for staff to anonymously make suggestions is often the most effective method for a team to gather ideas. Maintaining regular communication to share changes that are being considered or implemented is also important in an inclusive workplace.

Creating a sense of pride amongst teams is achieved when ideas are well received and recognized. Better employee morale leads to higher efficiency and lower turnover.

Tip 5: Assess How Many Appliances are Required

Stocktake can be so much more than just knowing your stock use for each month. Set some time aside to regularly go through your appliances and check with your staff what’s being used.

If a fridge is half full the majority of the time, it can sometimes use more energy to cool itself down. Placing items in the fridge can help maintain the temperature while reducing energy use by reducing the amount of air to cool and also because liquids change temperature more slowly, thus holding a cooler temperature when air escapes with an opened door.

Fridges are quite expensive to run, particularly if not set up correctly or maintained regularly. Consider if you need the extra fridge. Can it be used elsewhere? Energy efficiency in business can start with smarter purchases of eco-efficient appliances and decisions on the number of appliances required.

Tip 6: Be Transparent

Consumers are more informed than ever, demanding more ethical and sustainable business practices and greater transparency.

With gains made from implementing initiatives, make sure these are shared with your stakeholders with accessible sustainability reports that show what you have done to improve sustainability and the metrics to prove it. By demonstrating your commitment to sustainability, you can increase your brand value, which in turn attracts more business and sales.

Tip 7: Monitor the Changes

Taking practical action to reduce energy use in the workplace is step one. Step two, and possibly the most rewarding, is measuring and monitoring your use so you can track your performance.

Keep track of your energy consumption over time. Notice your changes and share them with your team and your stakeholders. Get excited about getting closer to becoming an energy-efficient business!


Energy efficiency in the workplace is great for your business financially. And now you know it will also help make your business more sustainable. Becoming an energy-efficient business is easy and only a few simple changes are needed to start making a difference.

GreenKPI provides a simple and systematic approach to business sustainability.

Act, Measure, Report, Repeat.

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